Dao of Warrior

What We Live and Fight For

What do you live for?

What will you fight for?

What would you die for?

Safety? Sanity? Sanctity?

Fame? Fortune? Freedom?

Love? Truth? Honor?

To help ask and address these inquires, Daology as a path of Self-Care Cultivation braids together three lineal threads:

  1. Martial Self-Protection to reinforce our boundaries.

  2. Medical Self-Healing to restore our balance.

  3. Mystical Self-Awareness to realize our being.

In this episode, Sihing Ayron Johnson of WingChun Workout interviews Sifu Paul Wang about his martial story. Enjoy this conversation on the Warrior Dao 道 — our universal path of personal mastery. Selected topics discussed include:

  • Why Sifu Paul began martial cultivation

  • Choreography versus spontaneity in training

  • Solo action related to partner interaction

  • Five kinds of martial activity

  • Philosophy of WingChun 詠春

Paul C. Wang 玄道